Have You Spotted These 11 Dangerous Signs in America?

(Many of these world events I share came from a report given by Alex Jones of Infowars.com)
The average American citizen is virtually unaware of the danger that now lurks. They are busy enjoying life, being entertained, working their jobs to make ends meet and so on. Even when disaster or tragedy strikes most people quickly return to their status quo life and soon all is forgotten. And with disasters and tragedies now filling daily headlines and becoming more common, the desensitizing of our hearts becomes the placebo that convinces us that these things will soon stop and could never happen to most of us.
The reality is that underneath every tragedy, bizarre event, and senseless act is a global agenda to lead us into World War III and bring about one world order. If this sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, consider the following:
The average American citizen is virtually unaware of the danger that now lurks. They are busy enjoying life, being entertained, working their jobs to make ends meet and so on. Even when disaster or tragedy strikes most people quickly return to their status quo life and soon all is forgotten. And with disasters and tragedies now filling daily headlines and becoming more common, the desensitizing of our hearts becomes the placebo that convinces us that these things will soon stop and could never happen to most of us.
The reality is that underneath every tragedy, bizarre event, and senseless act is a global agenda to lead us into World War III and bring about one world order. If this sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, consider the following:
- Historians, political scientists, and analysts from the U.S., England, Canada, Russia, Germany and Australia are telling us that the same chain of crisis and pattern of events that led to World Wars I and II are happening now.
- There is a deliberate global movement to implode economies, to set world depressions in motion, and policies to collapse third world nations.
- The most stone-age barbaric groups are being granted political power.
- Borders are being open to bankrupt our economies and flatten our social welfare programs.
- The globalist agenda is first to cause collapse of our political and socio-economic systems and then to take control and bring in total tyranny, even waging war on nation states who are working to stabilize their economies.
- Led by billionaires like George Soros and others, they actually fund crisis such as the Arab Spring, the flow of Jihadists into Europe, assisting the migration of illegal immigrants and those with diseases such as refugees into our societies.
- Right now there are major U.S. and Chinese fleets lining up against each other in Chinese waters with the communist Chinese President preparing his troops for World War III.
- There are reports that Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan is being backed by jihadists and not his own army. If true, this has immense ramifications as Turkey is considered the gateway into Europe.
- Vladimir Putin of Russia is also preparing for nuclear war and warning journalists and begging for a global debate as the media remains silent.
- From Venezuela to Nigeria, world governments are going bankrupt while the Pentagon reports that this is the most dangerous time in our history.
- All this is happening while our own enemy of the state, Obama, reports that the world is as safe as its ever been and the economy is the best its ever been.