Massive Links Page
Full List of LinksI. Mostly Christian and Biblical Links...Some Frequent Connections
The Middle East and the Arab World
Israel, Middle Eastern, and Archaeological Resources
II. Still More Links...Secular, Scientific, PracticalSome Internet Resources
HTML and Web Publishing Resources
Archaeological Exploration and Treasure Hunting
Full List of LinksI. Mostly Christian and Biblical Links...Some Frequent Connections
- The Ray C. Stedman Library
- Ray C. Stedman: Daily Devotional Message
- The Arthur C. Custance Library
- Koinonia House (Chuck Missler)
- Prophecy Central (Ron Graff)
- Holiness is Wholeness, by Jon Westlund
- Firefighters for Christ
- The Blue Letter Bible Project
- John F. Walvoord Theologian–Educator–Author
- Dr. Bob Utley, Bible Commentary
- Mars Hill Church Seattle, Mark Driscoll.
- The Ted Wise Library and Gallery
- The Ekklesia Fellowship (Tim Anstine, PhD.)
- Ariel Minsitries (Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum)
- StudyLight Bible resources
- Paul Winslow, Wisdom: Gateway to a path less traveled
- Online Parallel Bible (many versions)
- The Blue Letter Bible Institute
- Richard E. Young's Odyssey
- Glenn Miller's Links List (Christian Think-Tank)
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE)
- Condensed Bible Cyclopedia
- Writings of Alfred Edersheim
- Search God's Word (Bible Study Resources)
- Apologetics Index (Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Movements, Doctrines...)
- Jerusalem Archaeological Park (Virtual Temple Mount)
- Jerusalem Watchman, (Stan Goodenough)
- To the Ends of the Earth...Insights from Israel into the Bible (Jeff Harrison)
- Bible Lights: Contemporary Biblical Timeline Charts
- Collection of Bible and concordances
- The Amplified Bible online (Lockman Foundation)
- The Bible Keeper (28 Languages)
- The Apostolic Bible (plus Interlinear LXX)
- The Works of Flavius Josephus
- The Biblicist Reference Books (bookstore)
- Foxe's Book of Martyrs
- Apologetics Index: Info about Religious Cults
- The Claims of Christ: What Jesus had to say about Himself, Barry Davis
- Urban Legends Reference Site
- Barlett's Familiar Quotations
- Famous Quotes and Quotations
- Prof. Isaac Mozesen (Edenic: The First Language)
- The Unbound Bible
- Amazing Bible
- Audio Bible, Alexander Scourby
- Theory of Evolution (Conservapedia)
- Atheism (Conservapedia)
- Reasonable Faith (William Lane Craig)
- Out Place Artifacts--and Ancient High Technology
- Please Convince Me (the place to come for answers)
- Got Questions? 76,533 questions answered
- Geoff Robinson: Using critical thinking regarding faith
- Comparing Christianity with Sects and Cults
- Comparing Christianity and Other World Religions
- Idolaters Anonymous (Prof. Paul K. Morse)
- Summit Ministries (Dr. David Noebel)
- Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM)
- Creationism and the Early Church, Robert I. Bradshaw
- The California Institute of Omniology (Academic Freedom in Science)
- The A. E. Wilder-Smith Library
- James Watkins' Spirituality site
- Cliff Pickover's Bible Encyclopedia (Eclectic)
- Bible Discussion Forum, Mike Gascoigne (UK)
- Probe Ministries
- Apologetics Index (resources on religious cults and sects)
- The Scholars Corner (Jefferis Kent Peterson, I)
- Wittengenstein's Net--A Christian Think Tank, (Glenn Miller)
- The Arthur C. Custance Online Library (Doorway Papers)
- Christian Symbols Home Page
- Christian Essays, Richard Gunther
- Rational Christianity, by "India"
- Soul Device, by Doug Beaumont
- Dr. Norman Geisler
- Many Resources and Bible Study Tools
- Christian Apologetics Journal (Dr. Norman Geisler)
- The Age of the Dead Sea
- The History of the World from a Biblical Perspective (charts)
- Ancient Days: Archaeology and Biblical Research, Dr. David Livingston
- Table of Nations and Genealogy of Mankind
- GospelCom Apologetics Index
- ChristWatch: Monitoring World Events from a Biblical perspective
- Faith Defenders, Dr. Robert Morey
- Christian Geology Ministry
- The True.Origin Archive (Exposing the Myth of Evolution)
- The Last trumpet: Controversial Theological Issues
- Philologos (Classical Christian Books online)
- Areopagus II Institute (Daryl E. Witmer)
- The Logic Classroom, by Prof. Elihu Carranza
- The Ankerberg Theological Foundation
- Stand to Reason (Gregory Koukl)
- The Shelter, A Francis A. Schaeffer Site
- Cult Busters, Dr. Robert Morey
- Apologetics Press, (Bert Thompson, PhD)
- TheOoze: Conversation for the Journey
- Dokimos Ministry (Help for Roman Catholics)
- WCU Virtual Library (Apologetics, Evangelism, Creationism)
- A Firm Foundation, (How to become a Christian)
- Canadian Institute for Law, Theology, Public Policy Inc. (John Warwick Montgomery)
- William Lane Craig Virtual Office
- CANA: Christian Answers for the New Age (Marcia Montenegro)
- Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries (Dr. Ron Rhodes)
- Christian Research Institute (The Answer Man, CRI) (Library)
- Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Apologetics)
- Barna Research Online
- Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity
- The Watchman (Apologetics; Religions, Cults Index)
- Monkey Shakespeare Simulator
- (Andy and Berit) Kjos Ministries
- Come Let Us Reason Together, Lenny Esposito
- Let us Reason Together Ministeries, Mike Oppenheimer
- Unlimitd Glory Ministries, Frederick C. Kubicek
- God Living
The Middle East and the Arab World
- Answering Islam (Jochen Katz)
- Arabs for Christ
- What are the Solutions to the Israeli-Palestian Conflict?
- Some Web Sites of Interest to Christians in the Middle East
- Islam: The Way, the Truth and the Life?
- Islam, Truth or Myth? (Brother Andrew)
- Investigating Islam
- About Islam and Moslems
- Prophets of Christianity and Islam (Arabic and English)
- God's Prophets
- Christian-Muslim Debate (UK)
- Of Myths and Women: A Response to Muslim Apologists...
- Islam Review (The Pen and the Sword)
- Mohamed Ghounem/Abdur Rahman (pro-Islam)
- Jesus and Islam, (The Books of M.N. Anderson)
- The Good Way (Christian response to Moslems)
- Islam: The Way, the Truth and the Light?
- The Islamic Doctrine of Allah Contrasted with the Biblical Doctrine of God
- Iranian Christians International, Inc. (UK)
- Genesis and the Antediluvians, Allen Austin
- Creationism and the Early Church, Robert I. Bradshaw (UK)
- Miller, Harrub, &Thompson, "The Origin of Language and Communication"
- Geoscience Research Institute (Loma Linda University)
- Science Against Evolution
- Global Flood, John Baumgardner, PhD
- Genesis Park (man and dinosaurs)
- The Ancient World Foundation, Dr. Charles D. Willis
- Studies in Creation (Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy
- Bradshaw's "Creationism and the Early Church"
- Ancient Days: Archaeology and Biblical Research (Dr. David Livingston)
- Bible Quotes, Creation vs. Evolution, Articles
- The True.Orign Archive (Ashby Camp)
- A Collection of Writings by Ashby Camp
- Intelligent Design Network, inc.
- Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
- The Emperor Has No Clothes: Naturalism and The Theory of Evolution, Sean D. Pitman, MD
- Creationism and the Early Church by Robert I. Bradshaw (UK)
- The Creation Research And Apologetics Society of India (Dr. Philip C. Johnson)
- Harun Yahya (Turkish Islamic site supporting Creation)
- Creation Videos (American Portrait Films)
- The Biblical Creation Society (UK)
- American Scientific Affiliation
- Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter, (Robert E. Kofahl, PhD)>
- Internet Center for Creation Science (Canada, by Mark McKinney)
- Associates for Biblical Research
- Bernard E. Northrup, ThD, Biblical creation web site
- Creation on the Internet (Chris Ashcraft)
- Institute of Creation Research (ICR, San Diego)
- Creation Research Society Quarterly Abstracts
- ICR Research Papers
- ICR Impact: online articles index
- TASC (Triangle Association for Scientific Creationism) (Dan Reynolds)
- Creation Research Society (CRS)
- Creation-Evolution Debate for Teens (Ross Lang, Jonathan Taylor, age 13)
- The Revolution against Evolution (Doug Sharp)
- A Creation Perspective (David Plaisted)
- Ron Wyatt Information Resources
- Creationism Connection (Physical/organic Chemist Dan Reynolds, PhD)
- Origins Research Association, James Mahler, PhD
- Genesis Veracity (James Nienhuis)
- Darwin is Dead (Jim Pamplin)
- Creation Science (a New Jersey Creation Club Group)
- Creation Science Association of Alberta
- Technical, In-Depth Papers by David Menton
- Christian Answers Network
- Phillip E. Johnson Page (UC Berkeley Law Professor)
- Mere Creation Page
- Paul Taylor's Creation Science Ring (UK)
- Kenneth R. Miller vs. Phillip E. Johnson Debate
- The Phillip R. Johnson Page (Spurgeon Archive, Church History, Apologetics, Theology)
- Geoscience Research Institute
- Center for Scientific Creation (Dr. Walter Brown)
- The Genesis Flood (Tom Pickett)
- Search for Noah's Ark (Matthew Kneisler)
- Noah's Ark Website and Shipyard (David O'Neill)
- History from the Flood to Modern Times, by Mike Gascoigne.
- Creation vs. Evolution Archive (Garth Wiebe)
- Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, by Richard Milton
- Creation Science Resource (Christopher Ashcroft)
- Creation Evidence Museum (Dr. Carl E. Baugh)
- Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (Ron Osterman)
- Creation and Revelation (Ross A. Taylor)
- Christian Information Ministry (Noah's Ark, Creation, Theology; Richardson, TX)
- Noah's Ark Home Page (B. J. Corbin)
- The Search for Noah's Ark (Matthew Kneisler)
- The Noah's Ark Project (Douglas Peterson)
- Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man track" Controversy,(Glen J. Kuban)
- Association for Biblical Astronomy
- Universe Science Books (Emil Cseko)
- Christian Connection, (Greg Lane)
- Planetary Catastrophism, Donald W. Patten
- Ask Experts for Free
- British Creation Scientist Malcolm Bowden's Web site
- The Official Geocentricity Website (Gerardous D. Bouw)
- Marshall Hall's Geocentricity web site
- Eugene W. Faulstich, Chronology-History Research Inst.
- Creationism and the Early Church (UK) (Robert I. Bradshaw)
- A Creation Perspective (David Plaisted)
- The Final Countdown (Bible Prophecy, Evolution vs Creationism...Kevin D. Hollaway)
- The Biotic Message by Walter ReMine (St. Paul Science)
- God Delusion
- Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP)
- Darkness to Light: Explaining and Defending the Christian Faith
- Theomatics: God's Best Kept Secret (Bible numerics, Del Washburn)
- Mars Hill Audio
- The World Wide Christian Web (Apologetics, Current Events)
- Christian Ministry Report and Apologetics Index
- Christians Answers Network
- Foreunner International (Christian campus newpaper)
- Journal of Biblical Accuracy
- World Wide Christian Web (WWCW) (Mark Harpt)
- The Crossroads Project (Xenos, Postmodernism)
- Answers to Tough Questions (Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids)
- My Utmost for His Highest (M.R. DeHaan Ministry)
- The Christia Library (UK)
- Cross + Word (UK. Christian Resource, Discernment Ministry)
- Arnold Neumaier (Christian; Prof. of Math, Vienna, Austria)
- Of Whom Do The Prophets Speak? (Messiah in the OT)
- Faith and Doubt (Marilyn Adams, Nicholas Rescher, Alvin Plantinga, Richard Swinburne)
- Jim Lippard's Home Page (a skeptical inquirer)
- Origins-Issues and Controversies (Skeptical) (Loren King, MIT)
- Talk.Origins Newsgroup Archive (Anti-creation)
- Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
- The Story of Jesus
- Holy Land Sites Review
- Bible Places (Photo Albums)
- The Tribe: The Cohen-Levi Family Heritage
- The Re-Established Jewish Sanhedrin
- Jewish World Population 2005
- The Whole Torah by Moshe Kline
- Israel GenWeb - Jewish Genealogy Resources
- Hebrew for Christians (John J. Parsons)
- The Jewish History Resource Center (Hebrew University)
- Encyclopedia Mythica (mythology, folklore and legend)
- Ancient Maps (UT Texas Collection)
- MidEast Web
- The Burning Bush (Arthur Katz)
- Beyond Babylon, by David Ben_Ariel, Christian Zionist
- Mediterranean Island of Cyprus Resources; Greek Mythology
- All Archaeology Resource Directory
- HaTenu'ah LeChinun HaMikdash (The Society to Re-establish the Temple) (Yirmiyahu Fischer)
- King Solomon's Temple... (Tony Badillo)
- King Solomon's Astonishing Temple Secrets (Tony Badillo)
- The Blood and Water of John 19 (Jesus, our Passover Lamb) (Tony Badillo)
- Images of Archaeological Sites in Israel
- Calvary Chapel, Jerusalem
- For Zion's Sake (Bradley Antolovich, Jerusalem)
- Future Hope Ministries (The Temple of Ezeiel, John Schmitt)
- Mikdash Build, Jerusalem
- Temple Builders (John Robert Lucas)
- Judaism Resources
- B'tzedek Journal, Jerusalem
- Aish HaTorah: Window on the (Western) Wall (live images)
- Mayim Hayim Ministries (Barbara Di Gilio)
- Sephardic Resources Page (Steve Shweky)
- Timeline of Jewish History
- Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace
- Theomatics: The mathematical Design of the Bible
- The Watchman (Greg Killian, Torah symbolism)
- Havienu L'Shalom (Includes 3rd Temple page)
- Machon HaMikdash (The Temple Institute in Jerusalem)
- Freeman Center for Strategic Studies (The Maccabean Online)
- The Women in Green (The Women for Israel's Tomorrow, Israel)
- Al Bushra: Arab Christian and Roman Catholic Papers on the Middle East
- The Bible and Messianic Issues, by Mike Gascoigne (UK)
- Genesis Research (H. Daily)
Israel, Middle Eastern, and Archaeological Resources
- Growing Christians Ministries (Dr. David Reid)
- Growing Christians Ministries (Dr. David Reid)
- Got Questions? (Answers to Bible Questions)
- Accountable2You (Free Internet Accountability)
- SeekFind (Christian Search Engine
- Theological Foundations: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (Stephen W. Wilcox)
- Center for Biblical Counseling - Mountain View, CA. (Greg Burts)
- Leanne Payne, Pastoral Care Ministries
- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX)
- Stonewall Revisited
- NARTH (National Association of Research and Therapy for Homosexuality)
- A Christian Counselor (Dr. Trudy Veerman)
- Exodus International (freedom from homosexuality)
- PureIntimacy: Online Sexual Temptation
- Thankfully Free (Pornography Addiction recovey)
- Purposeful Singleness
- Lionprayer (Christian Brotherhood)
- Celibacy Forum (Carol Pfeifle)
- Christians in Recovery
- Reality Resources (sexual addiction, gender identity, homosexuality...)
- Steve & Heidi Cadman-Neu, Christian Counselling (good links)
- Ex-Gay Links and Resources
- Rest Ministries (Support for chronic illness/pain)
- Help for Hurting Christians (Dave Humpal)
- Clergy/Church Leader Criminal Sexual Assault (Bill Fields)
- Exhaustive Links List to Ex-Gay Ministries
- First Stone Ministries (homosexuality, pornography addiction, abuse)
- Life Skills Ministry (SFO homeless recovery)
- Online Christian Counselling
- New Life Ministries
- His Mansion (Recovery: alcohol, drugs, food, sex, physical abuse)
- Christian Rehab USA Directory
- Mastering Life Ministries (David Kyle Foster)
- Mormonism Examined and Compared with the Bible (Gregory A. Mahdesian)
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers Online
- Belief Therapy (Charles Hancock)
- Christians with Chronic Illness/Pain Webring
- Sid Galloway's Biblical Counseling & Training Ctr.
- Gospel Christian Networks Online Guidance
- 40 Days to Freedom (from addictions and obsessions)
- Top Addictions
- The Jesus Kids (Counterculture)
- Alcoholics Anonmyous History, by Dick B.
- Sexaholics Anonymous
- Marriage Helper Website (Joe Beam)
- Rejoice Marriage Ministries (Restoration) (Bob Steinkamp)
- Prodigal Project (Haight-Ashbury, SF)
- (Sexual) Purity is Godliness, by Martin Wishnatsky
- Cult Information from the Ross Institute
- Watchtower Information Service (Rado Vleugel, the Netherlands)
- Rex Rosenberg's Guide to Demonic Influences
- Christian Outfitters (Discipleship Resources)
- Alcoholics Anonymous History: Early A.A. and the Bible
- Bridges for Peace
- Encyclopaedia of the Orient
- Kev's (Biblical) Archaeological Forum
- Archaeology Resources (Michael Collins)
- Near East Archaeological Society
- Ancient Routes (in the Middle East)
- Associates for Biblical Research
- Holyland Hotel Model of Jerusalem in Roman Times
- Current Archaeology (UK)
- Ralph Woodrow (The Babylon Connection)
- Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
- University of Chicago Oriental Institute
- The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
- David Rohl (Pharoahs and Kings)
- Egyptology News and Gossip
- Egypt Net's Home Page
- The Theban Mapping Project (Prof. Kent Weeks)
- Guardian's Egypt (Andrew Bayuk)
- KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt
- Egypt Information
- Bob Keller's Mummies
- The Tabernacle of Moses (Henry Lair)
- The Tabernacle Place (teaching tool)
- Amichai (fulfillment of the Decrees of G-d; The Judge of Israel)
- Alexandrian Scholarship
- Gifts and Presents from the Holy Land
- Life in Ancient Rome
- Free Bible Commentary, Dr. Bob Utley
- Excerpts from the Writings of Major Ian Thomas
- The Life and Works of Norman P. Grubb
- Basics of Bible Interpretation by Bob Smith
- Dying to Live, by Bob Smith
- Bible HQ Resource Directory
- Aldersgate Books (rare, out of print, used--especially theology)
- Spirit Restoration Ministry (Manfred Schreyer) (Ecumenical)
- Biblia Vivida (Dr. Dominguez, with huge Bible art gallery)
- Vintage Faith: Exploring the Emerging Church (Dan Kimball)
- Brother Andrew (Open Doors International)
- Sermon Central (22,000 sermons assembled by Pastor John Kapetyn)
- Today's Bible (NT and OT studies and resources)
- The Jesus Institute
- The Amazing Bible (mega Site)
- King James and Other Versions by George Gunn
- Warriors of God Community (Board)
- (Charles Strong)
- Chosen People Ministries
- Your Daily E-Prayer (Dave Thoma)
- Internet for Christians (Newsletter, Quentin Schultze, PhD)
- In Search of a City (Home Churches)
- Best of the Christian Web (CHRISTnet)
- The Loving Heart" Practical Teaching for the Christian Life
- Faithful Hope (readings and quotations)
- Grace Through Faith, Jack Kelley. Weekly articles and commentary
- Christianity Net (Christianity Today publications)
- Christianity Online Connection
- ChristSites (Christian Resources)
- Radio Bible Class
- The Friends of William Tyndale Home Page
- PeaceMakers Net, (Christian Classics) (Bill Fields)
- Christian Internet Directory Search Engine
- Crossearch (Online Christian resource directory)
- MediaCentral Gospel Films Online Store
- CrossSearch (Gospel Comm. Net Index)
- All In One (Christian site Index with Search)
- Churches ad hoc (exellent photo essays by Herman Krieger)
- Globalism: The Secret Agenda (Australia)
- Barry E. Taylor Ministries (...for the Maturing Church)
- Not Just Bibles (Classical Christianity resources)
- Carl W. Kalbfleisch's Christian Resource Page
- Amos - Postmodern Bible Commentary (New Zealand)
- Sermons by Wil Pounds
- Internet Resources on Judaism and Christianity (Jay Treat, U. Penn.)
- Biblical Eldership Page
- Step by Step with the Bible (Brother Jairo)
- Frederic Farrar's 1874 classic, "The Life of Christ."
- Focus on Jersualem (Darrell G. Young)
- Council for World Mission: (UK)
- Westminster Presbyterian (Classic Puritan and Scottish and American Presbyterian writers.)
- Preaching Magazine
- Churches of Christ Net
- The I AM Project (video, lithographs, Calvary Chapel of Banning)
- Calvary Chapel of Boston
- Calvary Chapel of Salt Lake (Terry Long)
- Willow Creek Community Church Network
- The Trinity Foundation
- First Baptist Hanford
- Answers in Genesis
- Helping Christians Grow Stronger
- The Enlightened Web Site (George Pappas, Greece)
- Resource Page for Biblical Studies, (Norway)
- Fishers of People (China)
- STIL Media (Lars-Toralf Storstrand) (Norway)
- Taize Community (France, multilingual)
- Resource Page for Biblical Studies (Prof. Torrey Seland, Norway)
- The Enlightened Web Site (George Pappas)
- Good News Australia!
- German-American WWW-Server
- The Catholic Information Center on Internet
- Christ for India
- Calvin College
- American Bible College and Seminary
- Malone College (Ohio)
- Duke University Divinity School
- McKenzie Study Center - An Institute of Gutenberg College
- Seattle Pacific University
- Colorado Christian University
- Fuller Theological Seminary
- Biola University
- Moody Bible Institute
- WMBI-FM Moody Radio Live
- Messianic Perspectives Radio Network (Gary Hedrick)
- Baptist Missionary Assoc. Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, TX
- Harvest Bible College (Australia)
- Liberty University
- The MIT United Christian RO
- Chafer Theological Seminary
- Bethany Bible College and Theological Seminary
- Holographic Image of New Jerusalem over the Temple Mpount
- The Land of Israel: brief history (Flash presentation)
- The Prophecy Collection of Ray C. Stedman
- Commentary on Revelation (Ross A. Taylor)
- Prophecy Forum (Larry Cockerham)
- The End, (online book), Dr. George Madray
- Rapture Ready, (Todd Strandberg)
- Third Temple Watch
- Apostasy Now (Kevin Burge)
- The Ultimate Deception (Frank Caw)
- David Allen Lewis Ministries
- Awake Ministries: The Midnight Herald
- Rapture Forums
- Prophetic Witness Movement International (F. B. Meyer)
- The Pre-Trib Research Center (Thomas Ice)
- Bible Prophecy Study (Jason Hommel) (pre-trib)
- Early Christian Writings: The Apocalypse of John
- According to Prophecy Ministries
- Harpazo Network (Laurie and Keith Burgin)
- Psalm 110 and Progressive Dispensationalism, (George Gunn)
- Christianity Oasis (Faith is no Mirage)
- Fulfilled Prophecy (Herbert Page)
- World News, Biblical Perspective (Jerry Robinson)
- Revelation Illustrated (Pat Marvenko Smith)
- Southwest Radio Church
- The Omega Report
- Prophecy Central (Ron Graff)
- Prophecy Update (Randy Thomas)
- Prophecy Today, Jimmy DeYoung
- Globalism: The Secret Agenda (Australia)
- Hal Lindsey
- David Dimas' Last Seven Years Prophecy Site
- Prophecy Update by Randy Thomas
- Rapture Ready Prophecy Web Site
- Rapture Apologetics (Richard Vizzutti)
- Endtime Prophecy (Lee W Gaymon)
- Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums
- Prophetic Magazine (Laurie Blackwell, ed.)
- Chip's PreMil Site (premill, mid-trib)
- Lamb & Lion Ministries (Dr. David Reagan)
- Selective House Publishers (James BeauSeigneur)
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFJC)
- The Ultimate Deception (Frank Caw)
- Grant R. Jeffrey Ministries
- Cornerstone Church: Bible Prophecy Page
- Bible Prophecy Truth (Fred McManus)
- Bible Prophecy Newsgroup (Dawn)
- Mike Cady's Bible Prophecy site
- End Time Ministries (Al Horta) (English and Spanish)
- Apocalyptic Hope
- Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN, 700 Club)
- Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
- Jack Van Impe Ministries
- Prophe-Zine (Ray Gano - Prophecy)
- Revelation Publishing
- Rapture Index (Pretribulational)
- Prophecy on the Web (Larry Pahl)
- Prophecy and Current Events
- Midnight Cry Ministries
- Christian Research Ministries (Bob Schlenker)
- Worthy News (George Whitten)
- According to Prophecy Ministries
- Hebrew for Christians
- Into the Wardrobe - The C.S. Lewis WWW Page
- William D. Barrick, Th.D., Professor of Old Testament
- The American (G. K) Chesterton Society
- Quodlibet: Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Reformed Sermons (Wes Kirk)
- Vatican Exhibit
- The Holy See (The Vatican Web Site)
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Augustine
- St. Pachomius Library (Early Church archives)
- Historic Documents of the Church (Phil Johnson)
- Johann C. Blumhardt and Christoph F. Blumhardt
- The Apostolic Fathers
- The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary (searchable, downloadable)
- Religious Texts (Martin Luther Bible, KJV, RSV, Rheims NT 1582, Book of Mormon, The Koran)
- The Online Bible Home Page (free downloads, Dave Pohl)
- United Bible Society
- Vine's New Testament Word Search
- Hall of Church History
- Project Wittenberg (Lutheran resource library)
- World Internet Technologies (Includes Collection of Great Books)
- Commentary Magazine
- The Ransom Center Gutenberg Bible
- Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul)
- The Biblical Studies Foundation (Dallas Theological Seminary, Thos. Nelson)
- John Stott Ministries
- Problem Passages in Paul (Zane Hodges)
- McKenzie Study Center (Jack Crabtree; Eugene, Oregon)
- The Phillip R. Johnson Page (Spurgeon Archive, Apologetics, Theology, Church History)
- Fides Quaerens Internetum - Christian Theology Page
- American Theological Library Association Archives
- Woodstock Theological Center (Jesuit)
- Daily Wisdom (Gospel Comm.Net)
- Charles Finney Revival Sermons
- C.H. Surgeon Morning and Evening Devotional
- Charles Spurgeon Library
- Oswald Chambers' Devotional
- Watchman Nee Books
- Pilgrim's Progress
- Samovar Theological Books (Louis Hemmings) (Ireland)
- The Ecole Initiative (The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia)
- Project Gutenberg (Rare and Important Books online)
- Christus Rex (Huge collection of Christian Church Art)
- The Monastery of Christ in the Desert (Abiquiu, New Mexico)
- Abbey of Gethsemani (Trappist, KY)
- Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
- Theological Research Exchange Network (Database)
- The King James Bible Home Page
- Online Bible (FTP Macintosh versions)
- Sean's One-Stop Philosophy Shop
- Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College
- New Media Communications (Theological Resources)
- WWW Bible Gateway (Bible in 6 languages)
- Hypertext Bible Dictionary
- Grace Notes (Bible lessons, word studies, historical studies)
- International Bible Society
- Ivan Panin (Biblical Numerics)
- The Gramcord Institute (Advanced Biblical software)
- Bible Family Tree (Biblical genealogies)
- Bible Research Systems (Bible study software)
- Inquiries into Biblical Languages - Hebrew and Greek
- StudyLight Bible resources
- The Bible Browser (finds Bible passages, several versions)
- Regeneration Magazine (Drew Ladner, Harvard)
- The Door (Christian satire magazine)
- Biblical Art--The I AM Project (Norman McGary)
- The Master Seminary's Homepage
- Seeds in Motion, by Ken Riddle
- The Christian Pioneer
- Youth Works! (short-term mission trips)
- The Blueletter Bible Project
- Koenig's International News (Bill Koenig)
- The Bible Resource (parallel versions)
- The Jews for Jesus Home Page
- Hebraic Heritage Ministries International
- Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael Messianic Ministry
- Trinity School of Apologetics, India (Dr. Johnson C. Philip)
- Mission Finder Ministries
- Beit Shalom Messianic Congregation
- Amercian Messianic Fellowship International
- Messianic Jewish Alliance of America!
- Zola Levitt Presents and Israel in the News
- The Way of the Master: Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort
- Olive Oil (UK) Messianic Teaching Group
- YASHAnet
- Order of End-Time Messianic Events (Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael)
- Nehemiah Fund's Home Page (Uri Marcus, Jerusalem)
- The Rutherford Institute (Defense of religious liberty and human rights)
- The Promise Keepers
- Bible Teaching Ministry of Dr. John MacArthur
- Luis Palau Evangelistic Association
- Evangelical Outreach
- Pilgrimage/NavPress Training Seminars(Small groups)
- Rare Jewel Magazine (Tim Ewing)
- Heavenly Minded (JR Dickey)
- Worldwide Resources for Small Groups
- Covenant Family Fellowship
- I Find Sermons (
- Help's International Ministries, Inc. (A mission helping missions)
- Christian Missions Home Page
- A Bible Study - Jubilee Apostolic
- CCN (Christian Community Network)
- Gospel for Asia
- Evangelism and Healing
- Mission Media Productions (Videos and help for missionaries)
- Women Today (Campus Crusade of Canada)
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- Campus Crusade Online
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCP)
- Intervarsity Press Online(IV Press)
- Veritas Forum (Harvard)
- Christian Internet Directory (Baker Books)
- Zondervan Publishing House
- Navpress Publishing (The Navigators)
- David Wilkerson: Time's Square Church
- Christian Writers Fellowship (Sandy Brooks)
- "Yes, Lord" Ministries (Harriet Schroeder)
- Missionary Aviation Fellowship
- International Union of Gospel Missions (IUMG) (250 gospel missions)
- A.D. 2000 and Beyond (Missions)
- Wycliffe Bible Translators (USA)
- The MIT United Christian RO
- Associated Mennonite Bible Seminary (Indiania)
- Third, A Father: How to be a better Dad
- What Christians Want To Know Topics to Equip, Encourage & Energize
- Experience Mission Bringing hope in the midst of hopelessness—live your mission
- Short Term Missions to Mexico
- U-Turn for Christ Ranches (Calvary Chapel)
- Net Burst Virtual Library (Grantley Morris)
- A Wilderness Voice (Michael Clark)
- Adventures in Missions: Short Term Mission Trips
- CORE Group Ministries (Doug Morrell)
- Present Testimony Ministry (Frank Viola)
- Church Locator
- Expressions Christian Artists Community Forums
- Beyond Protestantism
- Foundation of Truth Bible Church (La Mirada, California)
- Fred G. Zaspel, Word of Life Baptist Church, Pottsville, PA
- The Living Word (Bible Exposition) (UK) (Nick Clube)
- The AdamMeetEve Christian Singles Ministry
- Handfuls on Purpose (Classic Christian Devotions)
- Workshop Arts and Media Network (Dennis Walsh)
- J.M.H. Creative Solutions (Jennifer M. Hollowell, Resources for Writers)
- Ministry Tools Resource Center (Phyllis Kline)
- The Prayer Foundation (an order of Protestant monks)
- The Christian Connection (Amherst)
- Ray Comfort Ministries (Evangelism)
- (Religion, health, spirituality)
- Quotations Collection (Tony Montano)
- Christians Traveling Alone
- The Sheep Comics (church humor)
- The Critical Review (Armando Canales)
- The Christian Worker (Hope Chapel, Long Beach, CA)
- Bible Memory Help Group (Stephen Simpson)
- Berean Bible Study Page
- Ministry of the Word (Study Helps for the Bible)
- Bible Study Charts
- The Berean Call Newsletter (Dave Hunt)
- Joshua Net Home Page (Jim Milligan)
- Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC)
- RealVideo
- Bible Mapper (customized maps of Bible lands)
- Dr. Charles Stanley - In Touch Ministries
- GraceLife Internet Ministries (Mark McGee)
- The Jesus Fellowship/Jesus Army(UK)
- All about God (Greg Outlaw)
- Chuck Girard Ministries
- Seraphim Rose Books (Orthodox Bookstore, Len Ruck)
- Children's Books by Donna Braymer
- American Tract and Evangelism Society
- Worldnet Grace Ministries (Missions)
- CCM Communications (Christian Multimedia - John Styll)
- Youth Specialties
- Cartoons and Illustrations for Christian Publishers
- Living in Christ Ministries (Bob Hoekstra)
- Inspirational Posters (Christian - Russ Hansen)
- Calvary Steel Drum Band (Stephen Reid)
- Cohabiting, All About Living Together Before Marriage
- Family Dynamics Institute
- Grace Centered Magazine
- Children's Bible Studies
- Submit Your Quesions About Jesus
- Israel Travel Tours and Specials
- God Does Exist, by Christian Smith
- Aaron's Place (Bible Studies)
- Arie Uittenbogaard, Abarim Publications
- Heart to Heart by Jerry Boyer
- Grant and Jonikka Erickson
- David (Josh) Tucker
- Deon Gates' Soulfully Yours
- Destiny Missions International
- Storm Watch by Jim Haun
- Marsha West (E-Mail Brigade)
- In The Footsteps of the Lord (Binoy K. Samuel)
- Arthur McBryan family (UK)
- Christian Bookmarks (Tom Brodrick)
- Shawn Brown's Journal
- Teen Challenge, Thomas Anglin
- The Chapel on the Web
- Kelsey Pietsch "Peach" Ministries
- Exposing Politically Correct Chucrhes, Andy Neckar
- Workshop Arts and Media... (Dennis Walsh)
- Diane Howard, PhD, Autobiographical Writing and Performing
- The Executable Outline Series (Mark A. Copeland)
- Jesus Christ's Abundant Eternal Life (Rev. George L. Pike)
- Sandra Laythorpe (Tabernacle Menorah)
- Cindy's Web Page on the Godly Woman
- Tim Anstine, PhD.
- Kelly Liebengood
- Underground Hope (a Christian teen newsletter)
- Leon Bates, Bible Believers' Evangelistic Association
- Art Katz
- David LaLone (creation issues)
- Aurora Ministries (Free Bibles on cassette, special minisries))
- Creative Media: Troy and Genie Nillson
- Julio Dam, Messianic Pastor (Paraguay, English and Spanish)
- David Roper's Messages
- His Forever (Peggy McIlveene)
- Dean and Karen Peters
- David Davis' Pages
- Victorian Times (Darcy Tolliver-Noonkester)
- Rick Schneblin's page
- Jack Kettler's Underground Notes
- Sharon Cannon's Place
- The Saints Home Page (Ralph Davenport)
- Bert Hartmann's Home Page "Standing for New Covenant Truth in a World of Lies"
- Curt Renshaw's Home Page (Physicist)
- Earl Milligan's Home Page
- John Mark Ministries(Australia)
- Chuck Popa's Home page
- A Christian Doctor (Dr. Ludwig Tsoi in Hong Kong)
- Urban Ministry Resources
- Christian Volunteering Opportunities
- House to House--The New Testament Way
- New Earth Inheritance Writings (Paul Phelps)
- Rosanna Evan's Page (Canada)
- The Matrix Reflections (Eddie Zacapa)
- Christians on the Net(Constance Johnson, Central Florida)
- Black Fish Net Works (Add your Christian testimony)
- Steve and Paula Hicks
- ChristLove Ministries (John Pavlica)
- Godquest (by Trophimus)
- Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries
- A Cloud of Witnesses(Matthew Heath)
- Aurora Ministries (Massimo Lorenzini, Italy)
- Rose Mosegaard's page (Denmark)
- Acts 17:11 Bible Studies (Dean and Laura Van Druff)
- The Bruderhof Communities
- Joy Ministries (Charles Canton)
- Ken Collins' Home Page
- Chuck Girard Ministries
- Faith and Marriage Ministries (for women)
- Peggie's Place!" (Peggie Bohanan)
- Global Online Service Helping Evangelicals (Goshen)
- Intercessors Network (Lars Widerberg, Sweden)
- Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
- Jericho Ministries (Rich Cook, Memphis)
- John Fischer, Musician, composer, writer
- A Documentary of Hymns
- Free to Live (Liesl Alexander, testimony)
- Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Re-Visted (Sam Vaknin)
II. Still More Links...Secular, Scientific, PracticalSome Internet Resources
- Vivid Ministries: Christian Ministry Web Site development
- Foto Search Image Library
- Can Stock Photo
- A Research Guide for Students, by I. Lee
- Deja News. Searches Newsgroups by key words
- EINet Galaxy
- Faith to Fath Christian Video Conferencing
- A Christian Web Site Search Engine
- The Starting Point (Web Resources Indices)
- ILC Glossary of Internet Terms
- Finding People on the Net
- Personal Home Pages in 27 Countries
- InfoSpace
- WhoWhere
- Switchboard (from Database America, 90 million names)
- IWorld Internet News and Resources
- Christian News Northwest (John Fortmeyer)
- World Magazine (Christian)
- Internet for Christians (Newsletter, Quentin Schultze, PhD)
- Jewish Software
- Inspirational and MotivationalQuotes
HTML and Web Publishing Resources
- University of Cambridge Computer Lab Home Page
- BBEdit (BareBones Edit)
- Voxware Gateway
- RealAudio
- Audio Net
- Timecast: The RealAudio Guide
- Shalom's Haven (Music clips)
- CrossDaily Christian Clip Art
- OCF Icon Archive
- Jin Sato: Applets and Animations Shareware
- High Hands Software for Pilot (Shannon Pekary)
- Detroit Photos Archive (1880-1920)
- Library of Congress
- The Smithsonian Institution Home Page
- New York City Public Library
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Shakespeare Homepage
- EXN Science News Bulletin
- The Skeptical Inquirer
- USC Online Publications
- Britannica Online
- Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
- World Science ("global science long before it's in the papers")
- SRI International, (Menlo Park, California)
- Lawrence Livermore Labs Science and Technology Review
- The American Physical Society
- American Institute of Physics
- Thermal Physics Org (Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D.)
- SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space)
- The Nine Planets (multimedia tour)
- The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physics
- American Chemical Society Web Pages
- Physical Reference Data (NIST)
- Entropy on the WWW (Info. Theory: Claude Shannon)
- The Net Advance of Physics (Norman Redington)
- Science: Beyond the Printed Page (AAAS)
- (Halton) Arp's Catalog of Peculiar Galaxies
- Common Sense Science (Ring model for the atom--Bergman, Barnes, Lucas and Son)
- Radiocarbon WEB-info
- PhysLINK: Physics, Engineering Science References
- Robert Bass, PhD (Physicist)
- Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- The Nine Planets
- JPL SIR-C Radar Images
- NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
- EROS Data Center (Released government satellite images)
- USGS National Earthquake Information Center
- LAEFF - Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics (Spain)
- Hubble Space Telescope Favorites (1990-1995)
- Space Telescope Electronic Information Service
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Star of Bethlehem Astronomy References
- University of Arizona Astronomy
- Astro-Link (Italy) (Astronomy)
- The Astronomer Group (and Magazine) (UK)
- American Astronomical Society and Astrophysical Journal
- Prof. Louis Frank (small water comets)
- The Pufferfish Observatory Home Page
- Center for Mars Exploration (Gateway to numerous research resources on Mars)
- Mars Anomalies (Stan McDaniel Report Newsletter)
- WWW Virtual Library:...Biosciences
- Human Genome Project Information
- The MTU Volcanoes Page
- Sunspot Number
- Directorate of Time(US Naval Observatory)
- The Electric Universe (Plasma Model of the Universe)
- The Thunderbolts Project (Exploring the Electric Universe)
- Barry Setterfield Library on Cosmology and Physics
- Science Made Stupid, by Tom Weller
- Alternative Science (Richard Milton)
- The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive
- Alternate View Physics by John G. Cramer (Alcubierre Warp Drive)
- Planetary Mysteries
- The Shroud of Turin
- Break Through Propulsion Physics
- Thomas Townsend Brown (Anti-gravity and UFOs)
- The Speed of Light - A Limit on Principle? (Laro Schatzer, Swiss Physicist)
- Nikola Tesla Library (U of Pittsburgh)
- Tesla and Tesla Coils (Bill Beaty)
- Bill Beaty: Anomalous Physics
- New and Alternate Physics (UK)
- Kirlian Electrophotography Aura Cameras
- Internet Science Education Project (PCRG)
- George Goble (Fun and sophisticated science pages)
- The Source Book Project (Wm. R. Corliss)
- Cliff Pickover's Encyclopedia of Hoaxes
- The Source Book Project: Back Issues of Science Frontiers
- The Anomalist
- Meru Foundation (Stan Tenen's research into hidden codes in the Bible)
- Meta Research, Astronomer Tom Van Flandern
- Alan F. Alford (Catastrophism and Ancient Religion)
- Myths and Legends (a collection by Christopher Siren)
- Biblioteca Arcana (ancient legends, divination, history)
- The House of Ptolemy (Adam D. Philippidis)
- The Whole Mars Catalog
- The "Face on Mars"
- The Nephilim-Mars Connection
- Kronia Communications, (David Talbott and Immanuel Velikovsky)
- Aeon: A Journal of Myth and Science (UK)
- Aeon's Official Home Page
- The Dynamic Structure of Space (Steve Kaufman)
- National UFO Reporting Center
- Charles Johnson, Earth/MatriX
- Cheryl Harleston, Lakota, the Wisdom Garden
- La Chupacabra Home Page
- News of the Weird (Chuck Shepherd, lawyer, former professor)
- The Watcher (Esoteric theories)
- Crank Menagerie(links by T. Riehle)
- Ratbag Antiphysics Rag(Dissident Physics)
- Society for Interdisplinary Studies (SIS; UK)
- The Institute for New Energy
- Dr. Bower's Complementary Medicine
- Keirsey Temperment Sorter (online Meyers-Briggs Test)
- Labyrinth (Medieval Studies web page)
- Gravitational Studies, Primo Galletti (Italy)
Archaeological Exploration and Treasure Hunting
- The Original Sixteen to One (Gold) Mine
- Franck Goddio Society (Mediterranean wrecks, lost cities).
- Victorio Peak White Sands, NM, Ova Noss Treasure
- Yamashita's Gold, Philippines, Bob Curtis
- TreasureNet
- Treasure Fish, Brian Clark
- International Treasure Hunters' Exchange
- TTHN - Transnational Treasure Hunting
- Pyramid Group (Precious Metals Recovery)
- The Explorers' Home Page (Stan Grist)
- Geoprobe - A Profession and a Philosophy (Paul H. Kronfield)
- Today's Date -- Time (in all calendars of the world)
- Introduction to Archaeology, Univ. of Newcastle
- International Radar Consultants (Roger Vickers)
- Northern Shipwrecks Data Base
- Tunnel and Shelter Researching (Germany)
- Vendyl Jones Research Institutes
- The Jerusalem Post
- Jewish World Review
- The Washington Times
- San Jose Mercury News
- The Gate: SF Chronicle and Examiner
- The DFW Heritage(Texas Christian Newspaper)
- Intelligence Web Report (IntelWeb)
- On Religion Column, Terry Mattingly
- Electronic Newsstand Homepage
- CNN Interactive
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- TimesFax Internet Edition (NY Times)
- Your Health Daily (NY Times Syndicate)
- National Geographic
- Scientific American
- World Wide Web of Sports
- Christian Sports Weekly
- Artificia - Kol Israel News
- PBS (Public Broadcasting System)
- Discovery Channel Online
- KQED (Broadcasting, NPR, San Francisco)
- KKUP Radio (Cupertino/Santa Clara)
- CIR Net (Live Christian Internet radio)
- USA Network
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- VocalTec -- (Internet Phone Company)
- The Art Bell Show
- World Clock and Age Calculator
- Stanford University
- Stanford Physics Department
- DeAnza College, Cupertino
- UC Berkeley Home Pages
- National Weather Service (San Francisco)
- Intellicast - SF Weather
- The Weather Channel
- The University of Nottingham - Weather Information
- NetCheck Commerce Bureau(free consumer serrvices)
- EXN - Exploration Net (Canadian Science Net)
- Surplus US Government Sales
- The USA City Link Project (city web sites)
- Yahoo! Instant maps of the US
- Trail Maps online
- Atlapedia World Travel Maps
- Historical Atlas of 20th Century
- FXConverter - OANDA's 164 Currency Converter
- United States Postal Service
- John R. Borchert Map Library (Campus Maps)
- Perry-Castaneda Library at UT, Austin. (Maps)
- The Electric Postcard Store
- The US National Debt Clock
- Commercial Sites Index
- CD Now (Music Store)
- Digital Tradition Folk Song Full Text Search
- Dr. Werner Wilhelm Webowitz: Web Quack Psychiatwist
- TEI's Random Joke Server
- Laugh Web
- The Electronic Frontier Forum, Netculture
- Michael Moncur's Quotations Page
- Dolphin Lovers (the sea creature)